Otomobil üreticilerinin elektrikli araç sektöründeki projesinin bulgularına göre Alman otomobil üreticileri Tesla ile aradaki farkı kapatıyor.
According to Alper Öcal from Habertürk, electric car giant Tesla will lose its top position in 2021, according to a report by the UK-based 75-year PA Consulting management consulting firm. South Korean Hyundai Kia is also expected to suffer a sharp decline from other major producers.
German firm Daimler and BMW, which are now 3 and 5th place in Germany, will become the sector leader in electric vehicles after 3 years. Tesla's score in 2021 will drop by 1 point to 81 out of 100, while Daimler will make a full 17-point progress.
In addition to the problems of Model 3 production as well as the problems of Model 3 production, Tesla's model diversification of traditional producers, as well as medium long-term plans to reduce NOx and carbon emissions in Europe and measures to reduce diesel were important factors in Europe.
PA tarafından hazırlanan rapordaki değerlendirme faktörü ve ağırlık aşağıdaki gibidir;
Teknoloji ve strateji (model portföyü ve teknoloji yol haritası) -% 30
Pil teknolojisi (maliyet pozisyonu ve teknolojik gelişme) -% 20
Ekosistem ve ortaklar (ücret teknolojisi ve 3. taraf hizmetleri) -% 15
Kültür ve teşvikler (liderlik ve teşvik sistemi) - 10 yüzde
Tedarikçi ağı (tedarik zinciri entegrasyonu) - yüzde 10
Finansal performans - yüzde 10
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